If you know me, you know that I’m mildly obsessed with nail polish. I have a large box in my dresser containing various colors and styles – as well as nail art tools. Selecting a polish to wear can sometimes be really difficult (seriously, it’s like choosing among children!) so I’ll ask my dear husband to weigh in. Most recently, he selected one of my all-time favorite polishes, Essie’s Chinchilly.
Chances are you are not like me and know the names of all your favorite nail polishes. However, Chinchilly is a legend so you’ve probably seen it without knowing you were looking for it. I’ve had women in the elevator stop me and ask me if the color they are admiring on my fingers is Chinchilly. It’s a seriously “greige” color; a bit of neutral and grey and even lavender depending on the light.

When I decided to begin painting my nails with my bottle of Chinchilly, I discovered a dire situation — the bottle was past its prime and beyond repair. I have some nail polishes that get a bit gloopy (really thick and barely manageable because they are probably actually expired…) but they are still somewhat useable so I keep them around. But this time, most of the bottle had been used and what was left over was the nail polish equivalent of backwash.
I considered instantly re-buying it on Amazon but I held off because I thought that might be a bit excessive (and dear husband would’ve surely made fun of me!). Instead I bought a new bottle later at Rite-Aid. But that’s not the point. The point is I thought about the experience of re-buying something that you absolutely love. Continue reading “Luxury User Experiences: Chanel”